Protecție britanică…

Mă plimbam pe net și am “nimerit” pe blogul Guinness. Prima pagină, verificarea vârstei și a zonei în care te afli. Te pune să alegi din 4 locații (England, Scotland, Wales și Other Countries). Pun data nașterii și selectez “Other Countries” și dau să intru. Surpriză, îmi apare asta :

Thanks for your interest in our blog and we are really sorry that we are unable to allow you access. We HAVE to have this sort of gateway page for legal reasons. Firstly, lots of countries have different policies and laws regarding the legal age at which people can view materials to do with alcoholic products and how alcohol brands can and cannot market their goods. For this reason we are legally bound to ask people where they are from (in case it’s a country that doesn’t allow alcohol marketing) and how old they are (to ensure they are of legal drinking age). This is the right thing for us to do and that’s the reason for having a gateway page in the first place. In terms of which countries can access, there are two answers to this. Obviously Guinness is one great brand that’s widely loved in about 150 countries. But the drinkers in those countries are all different so what the various marketing teams get up to differs also. What’s on this blog is specifically about our GB plans – hence the focus on those drinkers. Secondly there are legal issues with us making content the GB team have written available to other countries. We are looking at what can be changed but this may take a while so bear with us.

Moamăăă, legal stuff… Dau “Back”, pun frumos England și Enter din nou. Evident, merge. Cam atât cu legal stuff.  Aș spune că prea multă bere dăunează. Dar la mine n-a fost cazu’ așa că tind să cred că-i ceva nativ.

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