Cisco rackmount server

Via Slashdot am aflat de noua linie de servere rackmount de la Cisco. Se cheamă C-Series și vin să completeze seria B de blade servers în conceptul Cisco Unified Computing System.

After shaking up the market for blade servers, Cisco Systems (CSCO) is launching a line of rackmount servers to extend its Unified Computing System, the company said today. The Cisco “C Series” will offer both 1U and 2U servers with extended memory capabilities built atop the Intel Xeon 55000 processor. The new products offers an entry point to the lower adapter and cable footprint enabled by the Unified Computing System (UCS) for companies who’ve built their data centers using rackmount servers instead of blades.

The announcement proted questions about whether Cisco, with its reputation for premium pricing, will be a meaningful player in the price-sensitive “volume” server market. But Cisco says its ambitions are more targeted than a full-scale “all your racks are belong to us” assault on the commodity server market. Cisco executives said it sees its rackmount line as offer a choice of form factors to customers interested in the broader UCS system.

de AICI.

5 Comments Cisco rackmount server

  1. grimzmile

    “Join the movement to virtual freedom”
    probabil ca in momentul in care o sa vrei sa faci un upgrade sau sa repari ceva o sa vezi ce inseamna acel “virtual freedom”
    in prezentarea lor am auzit prea multe fraze de marketing, iar acel ecosistem de firme e unul cu foarte multi bani; baietii aia fac multe chestii, iar dupa parerea mea scaderea tco-ului nu se afla printre ele
    join the movement to real freedom -> floss
    viva la revolution :))

  2. gheorghe

    Pai si nu ti-e mila sa pui sistemul tau floss intr-un ditamai serverul si sa vezi cum sta mereu in load 0? Nu mai bine ai baga vreo 20 sau mai multe de sisteme floss care nu fac atat de multe lucruri in acelasi server ca sa-l forjezi cum se cuvine?

    Daca ai workloaduri de genul asta, numai cand te gandesti cat economisesti la hardware si consum de curent, pana si vmware ti se pare ieftin. Iar daca ai un array de stocare shared, poti sa ai high availability pentru toate aplicatiile, chiar daca ele nu suporta nativ clustering. Mie mi se pare o oferta destul de buna, dar intr-adevar necesita niste investitii.


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