
Nu știu câți dintre cititorii mei sunt familiarizați cu “Scrisoarea nigeriană”. E un “scam” extrem de popular, apărut în diverse variațiuni pe aceeași temă încă de pe vremea snail-mail (poșta clasică).

În mare este vorba de o persoana fictivă (se cheamă “nigeriană” pentru că persoana se dă de obicei drept un prinț nigerian) care deține o sumă extrem de mare de bani dar care întâmpină greutăți în a scoate acea sumă de bani din țara de baștină. Și cere ajutorul unui amărât cu promisiunea de a-i lăsa acestuia în cont un procent însemnat din suma respectivă. De cele mai multe ori apar și niște hârtii care par oficiale pentru a întări afirmațiile personajului fictiv. Fraierul care pune botul este dus de nas ulterior și pus să trimită diverse sume de bani (mici în comparație cu câștigul promis) ca să “ocolească” greutățile birocratice apărute pe parcurs.

Ei, vă dați seama că există suficient de mulți proști pe lume dacă asta este una din cele mai răspândite metode de fraudă. Și cum IQ-ul mediu scade vertiginos (am mai zis eu că “Idiocracy” începe să fie din ce în ce mai mult un documentar trist), fraieri se tot găsesc.

Ultima versiune a scrisorii nigeriene m-a dat însă pe spate. Bine, mai există versiuni care ies din tiparul clasic al prințului nigerian. Dar asta este ancorată și din punct de vedere istoric în prezent și pare mult mai bine închegată. Versiunea nouă sună cam așa :

Good day,

Please accept my apology if my mode of contacting you will in any way offend you. I am compelled to contact you via this medium for obvious reasons which you will understand when we discuss details of my proposal.

My name is Khamis Muammar al-Gaddafi, one of the youngest son of the late Libyian Leader Muammar Al-Gaddafi, I am a policeman by profession and a leader of a special forces brigade of the military of Libya. I am at the moment very depressed as i write to you. I got your mail from search engine and I really think you can be of help to me.
I studied military science at the Frunze Military Academy in Moscow and at the moment I am studying for a masters degree in IE Business School in Madrid, but as I write to you I am in the UK before the British government revoked the immunity given to my father (Muammar al-Gaddafi ) and his families (http://www.news-worthy.info/u-k-revoked-diplomatic-immunity-for-gaddafi-his-families/8932/), so at the moment I do not possess the right to move about, as I will be arrested and prosecuted in a international court of justice. In my possession right about now is my internet connection and my private cell phone, it is only with this two I am able to make contact with the out side world.
Also as another measure that has been taken by the international community, our asset i.e the assets of Muammar al-Gaddafi and family world wide have been frozen to compel my father to step down as the libyan leader. http://www.allvoices.com/contributed-news/8317593-us-freezes-assets-of-alqadhafi-and-four-of-his-sons .

The above mentioned reasons are what have compelled me to write you this mail, As I seek to partner with a trustworthy person who can assist me in transferring some of my monetary assets worth about (GBP) 145m (ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-FIVE MILLION GREAT BRITISH POUNDS). This money has been lodged in a bank account in the Uk and as things are shaping now this money is likely to be discovered soon, so i seek your assistance in helping me transfer this money into your account so that it is not discovered. i am ready to offer as much as 50percent of this money to you if you render to assist in transferring this money and the money is transferred successfully.

If you are interested in assisting me, write me a reply on:


Observați link-urile externe adăugate (al doilea chiar funcționează), povestea poate părea plauzibilă în ochii unui novice.

6 Comments Evoluție

  1. Mihai Todor

    Nu m-aș fi așteptat să apuci să citești și asemenea mailuri :) Eu le șterg din prima.

  2. nexus

    Eu recent am primit doar o groaza de mesaje de la “Fun Girl”, toate cu acelasi text si aceeasi poza. Nimic memorabil. Nici macar ceva legat de “V1agra” sau “traditionala” marire de penis.
    Dar macar stiu ca lumea tepelor online nu e intrat in declin si am la ce sa “sper” pe viitor. :))

  3. Adrian

    Proaspat stearsa:

    Greetings To You My Dear Friend!!!

    I have been waiting for you to contact me for your Confirmable Bank Draft of $800,000.00 United States Dollars, but I did not hear from you since that time.

    Then I went and deposited the Draft with FEDERAL AIRPORT AUTHORITY OF NIGERIA in the Office of MR MIKE AJAH THE AIRPORT CONTROLLER GENERAL,I travelled out of the country for a 6 Months Course and I will not come back till end of this year. What you have to do now is to contact MR MIKE AJAH as soon as possible to get the contact Information of the Courier Company that will Deliver your Package to you, and to know when they will deliver your package because of the expiring date.

    For your information, I have paid for the delivering Charge, Insurance premium and Clearance Certificate Fee of the Cheque showing that it is not a Drug Money or meant to sponsor Terrorist attack in your Country.

    The only money you will send to the FEDERAL AIRPORT AUTHORITY OF NIGERIA to release your Draft direct to your postal Address in your country is ($170 USD) Dollars only being for YELLOW TAG STICKER that will go with your Draft Alongside with the Delivery Men From the Courier Company.

    Again, don't be deceived by anybody to pay any other money except $170 US Dollars.Mind you i have Given MR MIKE AJAH instructions that you are to pay this $170 usd after you confirm your Delivery Details Informations from the courier company .therefore MR MIKE AJAH will contact you with the Courier company informations and you will contact the courier company with your Full Details Information including delivery address to avoid delivery Mistake.

    The Courier Company will contact you with your Tracking Number which include your delivery details for Verification Purposes before you pay the $170 usd only to the Office of MR MIKE AJAH FROM FEDERAL AIRPORT AUTHORITY OF NIGERIA,the courier company have already been paid for thier Job,so the only money you are to pay is the $170 usd only been for the YELLOW TAG STICKER only.

    I would have paid the FEDERAL AIRPORT AUTHORITY OF NIGERIA for the YELLOW TAG STICKER but they said no because they don't know when you will contact them and in case of Demurrage.

    You have to contact the FEDERAL AIRPORT AUTHORITY OF NIGERIA now for the delivery of your Draft with this information bellow:


    Email Address: [email protected]

    Name Of Controller: MR.MIKE AJAH

    Phone: +234-709-321-6232

    Finally, make sure that you reconfirm your Full Name, Postal address() and Direct telephone number to them again to avoid any mistake on the Delivery and ask them to give you the tracking number to enable you track your package over there and know when it will get to your address.
    Let me repeat again, try to contact them and also send them the fees as soon as you receive this mail to avoid any further delay.

    You should also let me know through email as soon as you receive your Draft.

    Thanks And God Bless You And Your Family

    Yours Faithfully,

    Mrs Ann Jones.
    © 2012


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